Monday 17 January 2011

re wedding fair

well I went to the wedding fair - at the last minute my friend who was going to come with me couldn't as she couldnt get a baby sitter... but I still went .. a little half heartedly to be honest .

I didn't bump into YOU there .. ( ( "you" as I had written in my previous blog post) but on my return YOU had sent me an email to remind me to meet you as YOU are a wedding planner. If only I'd centred myself before leaving, I might have saved myself the journey ... but I feel that nothing is ever wasted... just a learning curve .... and I did get to see who was exhibiting.

(I kept away from those gorgeous chocolate stands!)

A thought just came into my mind..."of shoes and ships and sealing wax" let's see where that takes me ... more soon....

Shoe Journey

Well my new red boots have been admired by all. I haven't made them over ( in my enchanting shoe maker over way) ... yet.... but friends love them just as they are.

Aah, talking of friends, this reminds me .... I was at a meditiation class the other night with some of my really good women friends. They all know that I am really getting into my writing now and are happy to support me. Aren't close women friends a joy? So as I relaxed into my meditation, I was naturally asking for guidance as to what was the right thing for me to do about a certain situation . .. and my guardian angel gave me a couple of words... one was Argyll and theother was 1767. None of the group could give me any insight so after " going within" and not getting any more answers, I started trawling the internet. Was I meant to go to Argyll? Who was alive in 1767 ? .................. and some time later ( cos sometimes the internet can take you off at tangents) when I re-focussed, I found out more ... about footwear and walking my own path - totally related to something very important to me....WOW ... who would have believed that? So I now know I am on the right track ... ( I do own lots of shoes by the way) and that my guardian angel is right with me, supporting me. Thank you "Z" . ....... and of course the work coming to me now is all connected to this. Doesn't life make you smile? I have a grin from ear to ear.

Oh by the way, I re read my earlier posts and I am SO sorry about all the typing errors, must slow down .....

more soon

Saturday 15 January 2011

Website and weding fair

Well I never got out for my walk. I find my life is like that. I just sat at the computer to check emails and one thing lead to another.. and before I knew it I found myself talking a look at my website and amending and updating pages... and generally tidying it up. I feel much better about it now... which reminds me I have some wedding shoes to make over this week and some new photos to put up. Exciting. I bought a new Luminex panasonic and it's so easy to use and I also decided to learn Photoshop - well the elements 8 bit of it that is... still in a big learning curve right now.. HELP! And you may have realised by now that my mind works faster than my fingers and there are bound to be spelling mistakes in this blog.. so apologies now!

I am off to research a wedding fair tomorrow in Fareham.. maybe I'll bump into YOU... so I'll take a few cards with me ... and my pretty shoe makeover photo book...

The power of RED

SO I bought red shoes...mmm.,,, so nice......
They made me think back to my days of colour psychology and colour healing and how the energy of red can help us walk into a new life. Red is bold red is strong red will take us where we belong. ( ooh thats sounds like poetry - well a rhyme at least!) Red takes us into new beginnings. It's alive, alert and full of hope. It encourages determination and will. It's proud to be seen and allows passion to shine. It can also be over zealous and angry - but I'd rather focus on the positive attributes. So today I will walk the sea front just a few minutes from my home and blow away the cobwebs, click my heel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz .... and let the magic begin.

New Shoes

Today I went shopping. I saw a pair of red boots. I tried them on and they fitted like a dream. I felt as if I was walking on air. I bought them of course. A thought then popped into my head. The last time I bought RED shoes something monumental changed in my life - for the good ... so I wonder what's goping to happen this time.

I have started to write again.... my angels are listeneing I am listeneing ... Life is good.